Space Dandelion

Appearing as if ready to spread seeds to the wind, this globular cluster is M92 some 27 thousand light-years distant. I took this shot at Norton Cemetery on the night of August 23. 2023 has been a tough summer for stargazing here in Keene, NY. with all the overcast and rain, smoky skies, and clashing schedules. I headed out on the previous night – forecast to be the best night of the week. Yet that was of course – wrong. So I slogged out the next night as well. That turned into a beautiful dark, clear night with good transparency. It also made for a second night of sleep deprivation! Oh well, no one said this was an easy hobby!

In any case, this bright cluster is a fairly easy target. That’s exactly what I was looking for while waiting for Saturn to rise higher. This is a stack of 11, three-minute long exposures. My true goal was to capture some new Saturn images as it approaches opposition near the end of the month. Seeing wasn’t great for planetary viewing, but perhaps – I yet may pull some nice images from that data as I get back to a bit of planetary processing in Siril. Meanwhile, behold a dandelion in space!

A picture of Messier 92, globular star cluster that looks like a dandelion
M92 – A stack of 11, three-minute exposures from my unmodified Canon T5i camera @ 1600 ISO, taken through a CPC-800 8″ SCT telescope.

4 thoughts on “Space Dandelion

  1. Hi Dave, Would it be possible for me to purchase the dandelion picture?  Thanks Therese

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone


      1. Once again, thanks for your message and I’m glad you liked the photo. I don’t mind if you use the image so long as its for non-commercial purposes. And, I thank you for asking. I don’t know how well it will blow up or print, there probably is some noise in the background. You can download it from the webpage and give it a test print. I have higher resolution versions you could try as well, let me know what image format you would like it in.

        Thanks for checking out my website!


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